Thursday, June 18, 2009

Finally, arrival in Istanbul!!

Today, we left Charlotte in order to be at Raleigh at 3:30 to meet with our tour group. Our flight left at 6:30 and went to London. We had several hours in London before catching a British Airways flight to Istanbul. It doesn't sound like much, but consider that we woke up at 8:00 Wednesday, and now it is 3:10 in the afternoon on Thursday, and we haven't had much sleep!

This was a sign indicating candy bars for sale in the Heathrow (London) airport. I thought the elementary students would find this interesting because of the fact they don't use dollars, but pounds - hence the symbol in front of the number.

Having Rosa's Flat Stanley to help me, I was able to get some work done in the airport.

Our layover in London gave us enough time to enjoy the typical London breakfast. This meal is typical but does not include the baked beans, which are very popular for breakfast....we enjoyed the traditional eggs, sausage, "rashers" of bacon, mushrooms, and roasted tomato.

We did not do much in Istanbul this evening due to how tired we all are. We did take some pictures as we took a tour of the city prior to checking in to our hotel. We also enjoyed Turkish pizza for dinner.

Here are some views of my first evening in Istanbul - here's a teenager raising money by washing windshields in traffic.

And an interesting food stand. One popular food that I am seeing everywhere is corn on the cob!


  1. Hello Dr. Clarke! I look forward to following your adventures, sights and discoveries. Any side trips to Harrods while you're in London? ~Kendra

  2. Would you believe, there was a Harrod's at the airport! I did not go shopping there, but I did go to the Gordon Ramsay "Plane Food" restaurant!

